Sunday, 31 March 2013

Wait; Patience Pays

If you have to wait for it...
Wait for it
There might be irritation in waiting
There is pleasure in the fact that you waited

You are victor because you waited
For waiting without messing up cheates relief
Relief from blame
Relief from guilt
For impatience leads to mistakes
Regretable mistakes

My flesh let me be
For I am not ready for guilt
It may be too much to bear
I am not ready for "prison"
For guilt and shame are like prison
Prison of conscience

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Ongondononeno jo Maando: Ombutiro no Ngaendisiro Jao Ngaikunue Marenga

Ejanda otjikuaije?
Jauta pi?
Je ungura vi nu pi?
Ongura otjikuaije

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Symbol of Hope: Never Let Yourself Fall

Almost everyone (if not everyone), is a role model to someone (even if its for the wrong reasons or as a bad example).  Even if no one seems to notice you as important, there are many who do not even tell you that you are special to them! Some even tell you years after you started touching them in a special way... after having helped them shape who they are.

When you you "let" yourself fall you kill those who depend on your success to thrive.

To someone who looks up to might not be a good thing for their hero/heroine to "fall" and remain down. When you fall and remain hopeless and helpless, remember that those who look up to you might not survive their challenges because you would have given them the impression that you were a fake hero.

So, next time when you feel like giving up, remember that your fall will affect others, especially those who look up to you as their symbol of hope. I do not care of how many times you had to fall, I need you to count how many times you had and have to stand up after a fall...for thats what matters to me.

Do not hurt me with your fall, for you are my symbol of hope.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Disturbed Sleep!

When I close my eyes
I wish to keep them closed
I wish to open them

I wish to keep them closed
For I fear reality
Reality of not having you close to me
For you are not here with me

How I wish to open them
For the hope to find you is with me
For I hope to search for you

Should I keep the light on?
Should I switch the light off?
When on
The reality is beyond comprehension
For I can see all corners of my bedroom but you

When off
The hope burns in me
The hope to seek for and find you
Will I find you?
Should I keep on searching?

These robs me of sleep
For the search for you takes forever

How long will the nightmare of not having you next to me last?

Each day that passes gives me hope
For I am a day towards seeing you
For yesterday is gone
Tommorrow brings hope

May the hope keep on burning
May I feel you in your absense
May you feel me in my absense
For this will pass
And we will be lost in our joy