(Bridled thoughts of a Pan-Africanist)
You rejoice in me being down
You rejoice in me being a slave
You rejoice in me being the exploited
You rejoice when you exploit me
You kill me for waking up
My resources are for others
The rules are not made for me
The rules are against me
You make my people fight each other
You make my brother my enemy
You make my neighbor my enemy
You make me despise who I am
You make me rejoice in who I am not
You have poisoned my mind
You have made me reject my humanity
You make me play a game
A game with your rules
You set the rules against me
I lose the game before it starts
For the rules are to make you the winner
You make me rejoice in the downfall of my brother
In you I hope to get relief
Relief from the pain and suffering from you
You are my yoke of suffering
Your brotherhood is unbalanced
You come like a brother
You abuse my brotherhood to you
You kill my visionary leaders
You trick me into believing in you
You make me believe in my fake leaders
You make me believe that your view is the only view
You exploit my resources
You make me value your goods
You make me reject my own goods
I have known you for centuries
I know your greatness
I know the greatness of my people
You make me believe I cannot be without you
You make me a worshiper of your ancestors
You make me reject my ancestors
The revolution shall be
For I am still an African
I have great ancestors
I will not reject them
I have found my great connection
I am great
The great shall rise to be
You shall never kill a resolve to be free
Freedom is part of me
Even under bondage
Even under your yoke
I am free
For freedom is in my spirit