Tuesday 9 October 2012

Thoughts of a Pan Africanist?

Above all, I hold the belief that not all things African are bad. I acknowledge that centuries of all forms of exploitation and manipulation by the westerners has done a lot of damage to Africa and the Africans. Currently, the world set-up in all forms is not a fair affair to the blackman. The whiteman's world is sparkling because of the pains of Africa and the Africans.

Battle of the Mind

"Liberate the minds of men and ultimately you will liberate the bodies of men." Marcus Garvey

The battle ground now is the mind. In order to better control the african, we are being mentally manipulated by the whiteman's machinery. We have been made to reject all that is African. We have been made to believe that all that is western is the best; western democracy, culture, economic system, etc.

This has created an african who sees everything african as worthless unless it is linked to the western culture and ways.

All these makes us feel as worthless individuals who are not aware of where he is coming from and does not know where he is headed to, rejects who he was and is, and trying very hard to adopt and accept all that is western. In the process, we get a person who has lost what he is suppose to be and cannot become what he has been made to wish to be.
"The whiteman has succeeded in subduing the world by forcing everybody to think his way. The white man's propaganda has made him the master of the world. And those who have come in contact with it and accepted it have become his slaves". Marcus Garvey

Fashion & Cosmetics

This is one area where we have been brainwashed to believe that the black skin is not good enough. We see our african brothers and sisters trying very hard to improve the way we look by applying all kinds of chemicals to our skin to try and make it "lighter".
You find a brother or sister with two types of skin shades. The face appearing different from the neck and arms like they are artificial.

In the process, we have brought upon ourselves skin conditions which have in some instances led to cancer of the skin.


The media is what has been used as a tool to inprint all the western culture in our minds. Media houses like, CNN, BBC WORLD, MSCN have showered us with all the negative images of Africa and the africans. All propaganda and blasphemy has landed upon us as a people.


Religion has also been used to control the african. I have personally noticed that africans show a lot of "adherence" to christianity and Islam more than all the other races of the world. We have been made to believe that we did not believe in God until the colonizers came to Africa.


As long as there is conflict between our african brothers, progress will be difficult to accomplish. We must trieve to fight all that causes conflicts between us as a people in order to help improve our condition as africans.

We are faced with problems which can be overcome such as poverty, sicknesses, lawlessness, loss of our african culture, to mention but a few.

It is only when we realise the real war that we could find the right tactics to fight it.
We should strieve for wisdom, avoid idiocy and fight mental slavery with all that which we have.

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